Vysoký Chlumec open-air museum

The picturesque Libín Stream valley in Vysoký Chlumec is the location of the natural complex of the open-air museum of the same name.  It will take you to the rural environment of our ancestors, familiarise you with the folk architecture of Middle Povltaví, and allow you to see the way of life and farming methods in a village.

Here you‘ll find timber farmsteads, farm buildings, granaries, technical water propulsion objects, crosses, apiaries and a dovecote. Most of them are from the period between the mid-18th and the 20th century, but some “pieces“ are significantly older. The open-air museum will also take you through a black kitchen [combined kitchen and heating room], you’ll see a medium-sized farmer’s residence, and you‘ll be able to examine what a granary looked like on the inside, and how a mill room actually functioned. The pride of the open-air museum is a unique water-powered saw, which once allowed people to cut logs with large diameters.

Every year, there are also thematic exhibitions here, as well as a traditional Masopust [Meat Fast] carnival, a Craft Day and a Folklore Day, so entertainment is certainly taken care of!

The last tour always begins an hour before the end of the opening hours. Upon prior agreement, groups of at least 20 people can visit outside the opening hours.

price start 20 CZK


opening hours

when to come?


Basic Senior Family
Individual tours 40,- CZK 20,- CZK 100,- CZK
Group tours 60,- CZK 30,- CZK 140,-CZK


+420 733 371 546 (in season)
+420 318 633 138 (off season)

Opening hours

Season Days Time
April sat, sun 9:00 – 17:00
May sat, sun 9:00 - 18:00
June - August tue – wed 9:00 – 18:00
September sat, sun 9:00 – 18:00
October sat, sun 9:00 – 16:00

The last tour always starts one hour before the end of the opening hours. Groups with at least 20 people by prior arrangement and outside opening hours.

How to get there?

We recommend you go by car or bicycle, the open-air museum is 17 km away from Monínec. You will head towards Jetřichovice around Lihovarský rybník until you reach the town of Sedlec-Prčice. From there, head towards Jesenice and when you pass a long pond, turn left to Vysoký Chlumec. When you pass the other two ponds Olešný and Vápenický, you will reach your destination.

If you want to save legs, you can also take a bus from Sedlec-Prčice.